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Published: Mar 25, 2025 License: Apache-2.0, UNKNOWN not legal advice Imports: 0 Imported by: 0



The p2p package, and its “sub-packages” contain the required building blocks for Tendermint2’s networking layer.

This document aims to explain the p2p terminology, and better document the way the p2p module works within the TM2 ecosystem, especially in relation to other modules like consensus, blockchain and mempool.

Common Types

To fully understand the Concepts section of the p2p documentation, there must be at least a basic understanding of the terminology of the p2p module, because there are types that keep popping up constantly, and it’s worth understanding what they’re about.


package types

// NetAddress defines information about a peer on the network
// including its ID, IP address, and port
type NetAddress struct {
	ID   ID     `json:"id"`   // unique peer identifier (public key address)
	IP   net.IP `json:"ip"`   // the IP part of the dial address
	Port uint16 `json:"port"` // the port part of the dial address

A NetAddress is simply a wrapper for a unique peer in the network.

This address consists of several parts:

  • the peer’s ID, derived from the peer’s public key (it’s the address).
  • the peer’s dial address, used for executing TCP dials.


// ID represents the cryptographically unique Peer ID
type ID = crypto.ID

The peer ID is the unique peer identifier. It is used for unambiguously resolving who a peer is, during communication.

The reason the peer ID is utilized is because it is derived from the peer’s public key, used to encrypt communication, and it needs to match the public key used in p2p communication. It can, and should be, considered unique.


Without going too much into detail in the terminology section, as a much more detailed explanation is discussed below:

A Reactor is an abstraction of a Tendermint2 module, that needs to utilize the p2p layer.

Currently active reactors in TM2, that utilize the p2p layer:

  • the consensus reactor, that handles consensus message passing
  • the blockchain reactor, that handles block syncing
  • the mempool reactor, that handles transaction gossiping

All of these functionalities require a live p2p network to work, and Reactors are the answer for how they can be aware of things happening in the network (like new peers joining, for example).



Peer is an abstraction over a p2p connection that is:

  • verified, meaning it went through the handshaking process and the information the other peer shared checked out ( this process is discussed in detail later).
  • multiplexed over TCP (the only kind of p2p connections TM2 supports).
package p2p

// Peer is a wrapper for a connected peer
type Peer interface {


	ID() types.ID         // peer's cryptographic ID
	RemoteIP() net.IP     // remote IP of the connection
	RemoteAddr() net.Addr // remote address of the connection

	IsOutbound() bool   // did we dial the peer
	IsPersistent() bool // do we redial this peer when we disconnect
	IsPrivate() bool    // do we share the peer

	CloseConn() error // close original connection

	NodeInfo() types.NodeInfo // peer's info
	Status() ConnectionStatus
	SocketAddr() *types.NetAddress // actual address of the socket

	Send(byte, []byte) bool
	TrySend(byte, []byte) bool

	Set(string, any)
	Get(string) any

There are more than a few things to break down here, so let’s tackle them individually.

The Peer abstraction holds callbacks relating to information about the actual live peer connection, such as what kind of direction it is, what is the connection status, and others.

package p2p

type Peer interface {
	// ...

	ID() types.ID         // peer's cryptographic ID
	RemoteIP() net.IP     // remote IP of the connection
	RemoteAddr() net.Addr // remote address of the connection

	NodeInfo() types.NodeInfo // peer's info
	Status() ConnectionStatus
	SocketAddr() *types.NetAddress // actual address of the socket

	IsOutbound() bool   // did we dial the peer
	IsPersistent() bool // do we redial this peer when we disconnect
	IsPrivate() bool    // do we share the peer

	// ...

However, there is part of the Peer abstraction that outlines the flipped design of the entire p2p module, and a severe limitation of this implementation.

package p2p

type Peer interface {
	// ...

	Send(byte, []byte) bool
	TrySend(byte, []byte) bool

	// ...

The Peer abstraction is used internally in p2p, but also by other modules that need to interact with the networking layer — this is in itself the biggest crux of the current p2p implementation: modules need to understand how to use and communicate with peers, regardless of the protocol logic. Networking is not an abstraction for the modules, but a spec requirement. What this essentially means is there is heavy implementation leaking to parts of the TM2 codebase that shouldn’t need to know how to handle individual peer broadcasts, or how to trigger custom protocol communication (like syncing for example). If module A wants to broadcast something to the peer network of the node, it needs to do something like this:

package main

func main() {
	// ...

	peers := sw.Peers().List() // fetch the peer list

	for _, p := range peers {
		p.Send(...) // directly message the peer (imitate broadcast)

	// ...

An additional odd choice in the Peer API is the ability to use the peer as a KV store:

package p2p

type Peer interface {
	// ...

	Set(string, any)
	Get(string) any

	// ...

For example, these methods are used within the consensus and mempool modules to keep track of active peer states ( like current HRS data, or current peer mempool metadata). Instead of the module handling individual peer state, this responsibility is shifted to the peer implementation, causing an odd code dependency situation.

The root of this “flipped” design (modules needing to understand how to interact with peers) stems from the fact that peers are instantiated with a multiplex TCP connection under the hood, and basically just wrap that connection. The Peer API is an abstraction for the multiplexed TCP connection, under the hood.

Changing this dependency stew would require a much larger rewrite of not just the p2p module, but other modules ( consensus, blockchain, mempool) as well, and is as such left as-is.


In short, a Switch is just the middleware layer that handles module <> Transport requests, and manages peers on a high application level (that the Transport doesn’t concern itself with).

The Switch is the entity that manages active peer connections.

package p2p

// Switch is the abstraction in the p2p module that handles
// and manages peer connections thorough a Transport
type Switch interface {
	// Broadcast publishes data on the given channel, to all peers
	Broadcast(chID byte, data []byte)

	// Peers returns the latest peer set
	Peers() PeerSet

	// Subscribe subscribes to active switch events
	Subscribe(filterFn events.EventFilter) (<-chan events.Event, func())

	// StopPeerForError stops the peer with the given reason
	StopPeerForError(peer Peer, err error)

	// DialPeers marks the given peers as ready for async dialing
	DialPeers(peerAddrs ...*types.NetAddress)

The API of the Switch is relatively straightforward. Users of the Switch instantiate it with a Transport, and utilize it as-is.

The API of the Switch is geared towards asynchronicity, and as such users of the Switch need to adapt to some limitations, such as not having synchronous dials, or synchronous broadcasts.


There are 3 services that run on top of the MultiplexSwitch, upon startup:

  • the accept service
  • the dial service
  • the redial service
package p2p

// OnStart implements BaseService. It starts all the reactors and peers.
func (sw *MultiplexSwitch) OnStart() error {
	// Start reactors
	for _, reactor := range sw.reactors {
		if err := reactor.Start(); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("unable to start reactor %w", err)

	// Run the peer accept routine.
	// The accept routine asynchronously accepts
	// and processes incoming peer connections
	go sw.runAcceptLoop(sw.ctx)

	// Run the dial routine.
	// The dial routine parses items in the dial queue
	// and initiates outbound peer connections
	go sw.runDialLoop(sw.ctx)

	// Run the redial routine.
	// The redial routine monitors for important
	// peer disconnects, and attempts to reconnect
	// to them
	go sw.runRedialLoop(sw.ctx)

	return nil
Accept Service

The MultiplexSwitch needs to actively listen for incoming connections, and handle them accordingly. These situations occur when a peer Dials (more on this later) another peer, and wants to establish a connection. This connection is outbound for one peer, and inbound for the other.

Depending on what kind of security policies or configuration the peer has in place, the connection can be accepted, or rejected for a number of reasons:

  • the maximum number of inbound peers is reached
  • the multiplex connection fails upon startup (rare)

The Switch relies on the Transport to return a verified and valid peer connection. After the Transport delivers, the Switch makes sure having the peer makes sense, given the p2p configuration of the node.

package p2p

func (sw *MultiplexSwitch) runAcceptLoop(ctx context.Context) {
	// ...

	p, err := sw.transport.Accept(ctx, sw.peerBehavior)
	if err != nil {
			"error encountered during peer connection accept",
			"err", err,


	// Ignore connection if we already have enough peers.
	if in := sw.Peers().NumInbound(); in >= sw.maxInboundPeers {
			"Ignoring inbound connection: already have enough inbound peers",
			"address", p.SocketAddr(),
			"have", in,
			"max", sw.maxInboundPeers,



	// ...

In fact, this is the central point in the relationship between the Switch and Transport. The Transport is responsible for establishing the connection, and the Switch is responsible for handling it after it’s been established.

When TM2 modules communicate with the p2p module, they communicate with the Switch, not the Transport to execute peer-related actions.

Dial Service

Peers are dialed asynchronously in the Switch, as is suggested by the Switch API:

DialPeers(peerAddrs ...*types.NetAddress)

The MultiplexSwitch implementation utilizes a concept called a dial queue.

A dial queue is a priority-based queue (sorted by dial time, ascending) from which dial requests are taken out of and executed in the form of peer dialing (through the Transport, of course).

The queue needs to be sorted by the dial time, since there are asynchronous dial requests that need to be executed as soon as possible, while others can wait to be executed up until a certain point in time.

package p2p

func (sw *MultiplexSwitch) runDialLoop(ctx context.Context) {
	// ...

	// Grab a dial item
	item := sw.dialQueue.Peek()
	if item == nil {
		// Nothing to dial

	// Check if the dial time is right
	// for the item
	if time.Now().Before(item.Time) {
		// Nothing to dial

	// Pop the item from the dial queue
	item = sw.dialQueue.Pop()

	// Dial the peer
		"dialing peer",
		"address", item.Address.String(),

	// ...

To follow the outcomes of dial requests, users of the Switch can subscribe to peer events (more on this later).

Redial Service

The TM2 p2p module has a concept of something called persistent peers.

Persistent peers are specific peers whose connections must be preserved, at all costs. They are specified in the top-level node P2P configuration, under p2p.persistent_peers.

These peer connections are special, as they don’t adhere to high-level configuration limits like the maximum peer cap, instead, they are monitored and handled actively.

A good candidate for a persistent peer is a bootnode, that bootstraps and facilitates peer discovery for the network.

If a persistent peer connection is lost for whatever reason (for ex, the peer disconnects), the redial service of the MultiplexSwitch will create a dial request for the dial service, and attempt to re-establish the lost connection.

package p2p

func (sw *MultiplexSwitch) runRedialLoop(ctx context.Context) {
	// ...

	var (
		peers       = sw.Peers()
		peersToDial = make([]*types.NetAddress, 0)

	sw.persistentPeers.Range(func(key, value any) bool {
		var (
			id   = key.(types.ID)
			addr = value.(*types.NetAddress)

		// Check if the peer is part of the peer set
		// or is scheduled for dialing
		if peers.Has(id) || sw.dialQueue.Has(addr) {
			return true

		peersToDial = append(peersToDial, addr)

		return true

	if len(peersToDial) == 0 {
		// No persistent peers are missing

	// Add the peers to the dial queue

	// ...

The Switch is meant to be asynchronous.

This means that processes like dialing peers, removing peers, doing broadcasts and more, is not a synchronous blocking process for the Switch user.

To be able to tap into the outcome of these asynchronous events, the Switch utilizes a simple event system, based on event filters.

package main

func main() {
	// ...

	// Subscribe to live switch events
	ch, unsubFn := multiplexSwitch.Subscribe(func(event events.Event) bool {
		// This subscription will only return "PeerConnected" events
		return event.Type() == events.PeerConnected

	defer unsubFn() // removes the subscription

	select {
	// Events are sent to the channel as soon as
	// they appear and pass the subscription filter
	case ev <- ch:
		e := ev.(*events.PeerConnectedEvent)
		// use event data...
	case <-ctx.Done():
		// ...

	// ...

An event setup like this is useful for example when the user of the Switch wants to capture successful peer dial events, in realtime.

What is “peer behavior”?
package p2p

// PeerBehavior wraps the Reactor and MultiplexSwitch information a Transport would need when
// dialing or accepting new Peer connections.
// It is worth noting that the only reason why this information is required in the first place,
// is because Peers expose an API through which different TM modules can interact with them.
// In the future™, modules should not directly "Send" anything to Peers, but instead communicate through
// other mediums, such as the P2P module
type PeerBehavior interface {
	// ReactorChDescriptors returns the Reactor channel descriptors
	ReactorChDescriptors() []*conn.ChannelDescriptor

	// Reactors returns the node's active p2p Reactors (modules)
	Reactors() map[byte]Reactor

	// HandlePeerError propagates a peer connection error for further processing
	HandlePeerError(Peer, error)

	// IsPersistentPeer returns a flag indicating if the given peer is persistent
	IsPersistentPeer(types.ID) bool

	// IsPrivatePeer returns a flag indicating if the given peer is private
	IsPrivatePeer(types.ID) bool

In short, the previously-mentioned crux of the p2p implementation (having Peers be directly managed by different TM2 modules) requires information on how to behave when interacting with other peers.

TM2 modules on peer A communicate through something called channels to the same modules on peer B. For example, if the mempool module on peer A wants to share a transaction to the mempool module on peer B, it will utilize a dedicated (and unique!) channel for it (ex. 0x30). This is a protocol that lives on top of the already-established multiplexed connection, and metadata relating to it is passed down through peer behavior.


As previously mentioned, the Transport is the infrastructure layer of the p2p module.

In contrast to the Switch, which is concerned with higher-level application logic (like the number of peers, peer limits, etc), the Transport is concerned with actually establishing and maintaining peer connections on a much lower level.

package p2p

// Transport handles peer dialing and connection acceptance. Additionally,
// it is also responsible for any custom connection mechanisms (like handshaking).
// Peers returned by the transport are considered to be verified and sound
type Transport interface {
	// NetAddress returns the Transport's dial address
	NetAddress() types.NetAddress

	// Accept returns a newly connected inbound peer
	Accept(context.Context, PeerBehavior) (Peer, error)

	// Dial dials a peer, and returns it
	Dial(context.Context, types.NetAddress, PeerBehavior) (Peer, error)

	// Remove drops any resources associated
	// with the Peer in the transport

When peers dial other peers in TM2, they are in fact dialing their Transports, and the connection is being handled here.

  • Accept waits for an incoming connection, parses it and returns it.
  • Dial attempts to establish an outgoing connection, parses it and returns it.

There are a few important steps that happen when establishing a p2p connection in TM2, between 2 different peers:

  1. The peers go through a handshaking process, and establish something called a secret connection. The handshaking process is based on the STS protocol, and after it is completed successfully, all communication between the 2 peers is encrypted.
  2. After establishing a secret connection, the peers exchange their respective node information. The purpose of this step is to verify that the peers are indeed compatible with each other, and should be establishing a connection in the first place (same network, common protocols , etc).
  3. Once the secret connection is established, and the node information is exchanged, the connection to the peer is considered valid and verified — it can now be used by the Switch (accepted, or rejected, based on Switch high-level constraints). Note the distinction here that the Transport establishes and maintains the connection, but it can ultimately be scraped by the Switch at any point in time.

Peer Discovery

There is a final service that runs alongside the previously-mentioned Switch services — peer discovery.

Every blockchain node needs an adequate amount of peers to communicate with, in order to ensure smooth functioning. For validator nodes, they need to be loosely connected to at least 2/3+ of the validator set in order to participate and not cause block misses or mis-votes (loosely connected means that there always exists a path between different peers in the network topology, that allows them to be reachable to each other).

The peer discovery service ensures that the given node is always learning more about the overall network topology, and filling out any empty connection slots (outbound peers).

This background service works in the following (albeit primitive) way:

  1. At specific intervals, node A checks its peer table, and picks a random peer P, from the active peer list.

  2. When P is picked, node A initiates a discovery protocol process, in which:

    • node A sends a request to peer P for his peer list (max 30 peers)
    • peer P responds to the request
  3. Once node A has the peer list from P, it adds the entire peer list into the dial queue, to establish outbound peer connections.

This process repeats at specific intervals. It is worth nothing that if the limit of outbound peers is reached, the peer dials have no effect.

Bootnodes (Seeds)

Bootnodes are specialized network nodes that play a critical role in the initial peer discovery process for new nodes joining the network.

When a blockchain client starts, it needs to find and connect to other nodes to synchronize data and participate in the network. Bootnodes provide a predefined list of accessible and reliable entry points that act as a gateway for discovering other active nodes (through peer discovery).

These nodes are provided as part of the node’s p2p configuration. Once connected to a bootnode, the client uses peer discovery to discover and connect to additional peers, enabling full participation and unlocking other client protocols (consensus, mempool…).

Bootnodes usually do not store the full blockchain or participate in consensus; their primary role is to facilitate connectivity in the network (act as a peer relay).




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type BaseReactor

type BaseReactor struct {
	service.BaseService // Provides Start, Stop, Quit
	Switch              Switch

func NewBaseReactor

func NewBaseReactor(name string, impl Reactor) *BaseReactor

func (*BaseReactor) AddPeer

func (*BaseReactor) AddPeer(_ PeerConn)

func (*BaseReactor) GetChannels

func (*BaseReactor) GetChannels() []*conn.ChannelDescriptor

func (*BaseReactor) InitPeer

func (*BaseReactor) InitPeer(peer PeerConn) PeerConn

func (*BaseReactor) Receive

func (*BaseReactor) Receive(_ byte, _ PeerConn, _ []byte)

func (*BaseReactor) RemovePeer

func (*BaseReactor) RemovePeer(_ PeerConn, _ any)

func (*BaseReactor) SetSwitch

func (br *BaseReactor) SetSwitch(sw Switch)

type ChannelDescriptor

type ChannelDescriptor = conn.ChannelDescriptor

type ConnConfig

type ConnConfig struct {
	MConfig      conn.MConnConfig
	ReactorsByCh map[byte]Reactor
	ChDescs      []*conn.ChannelDescriptor
	OnPeerError  func(PeerConn, error)

type ConnInfo

type ConnInfo struct {
	Outbound   bool     // flag indicating if the connection is dialed
	Persistent bool     // flag indicating if the connection is persistent
	Private    bool     // flag indicating if the peer is private (not shared)
	Conn       net.Conn // the source connection
	RemoteIP   net.IP   // the remote IP of the peer
	SocketAddr *types.NetAddress

ConnInfo wraps the remote peer connection

type ConnectionStatus

type ConnectionStatus = conn.ConnectionStatus

type MultiplexSwitch

type MultiplexSwitch struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MultiplexSwitch handles peer connections and exposes an API to receive incoming messages on `Reactors`. Each `Reactor` is responsible for handling incoming messages of one or more `Channels`. So while sending outgoing messages is typically performed on the peer, incoming messages are received on the reactor.

func NewMultiplexSwitch

func NewMultiplexSwitch(
	transport Transport,
	opts ...SwitchOption,
) *MultiplexSwitch

NewMultiplexSwitch creates a new MultiplexSwitch with the given config.

func (*MultiplexSwitch) Broadcast

func (sw *MultiplexSwitch) Broadcast(chID byte, data []byte)

Broadcast broadcasts the given data to the given channel, across the entire switch peer set, without blocking

func (*MultiplexSwitch) DialPeers

func (sw *MultiplexSwitch) DialPeers(peerAddrs ...*types.NetAddress)

DialPeers adds the peers to the dial queue for async dialing. To monitor dial progress, subscribe to adequate p2p MultiplexSwitch events

func (*MultiplexSwitch) OnStart

func (sw *MultiplexSwitch) OnStart() error

OnStart implements BaseService. It starts all the reactors and peers.

func (*MultiplexSwitch) OnStop

func (sw *MultiplexSwitch) OnStop()

OnStop implements BaseService. It stops all peers and reactors.

func (*MultiplexSwitch) Peers

func (sw *MultiplexSwitch) Peers() PeerSet

Peers returns the set of peers that are connected to the switch.

func (*MultiplexSwitch) StopPeerForError

func (sw *MultiplexSwitch) StopPeerForError(peer PeerConn, err error)

StopPeerForError disconnects from a peer due to external error. If the peer is persistent, it will attempt to reconnect

func (*MultiplexSwitch) Subscribe

func (sw *MultiplexSwitch) Subscribe(filterFn events.EventFilter) (<-chan events.Event, func())

Subscribe registers to live events happening on the p2p Switch. Returns the notification channel, along with an unsubscribe method

type MultiplexTransport

type MultiplexTransport struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MultiplexTransport accepts and dials tcp connections and upgrades them to multiplexed peers.

func NewMultiplexTransport

func NewMultiplexTransport(
	nodeInfo types.NodeInfo,
	nodeKey types.NodeKey,
	mConfig conn.MConnConfig,
	logger *slog.Logger,
) *MultiplexTransport

NewMultiplexTransport returns a tcp connected multiplexed peer.

func (*MultiplexTransport) Accept

func (mt *MultiplexTransport) Accept(ctx context.Context, behavior PeerBehavior) (PeerConn, error)

Accept waits for a verified inbound Peer to connect, and returns it [BLOCKING]

func (*MultiplexTransport) Close

func (mt *MultiplexTransport) Close() error

Close stops the multiplex transport

func (*MultiplexTransport) Dial

func (mt *MultiplexTransport) Dial(
	ctx context.Context,
	addr types.NetAddress,
	behavior PeerBehavior,
) (PeerConn, error)

Dial creates an outbound Peer connection, and verifies it (performs handshaking) [BLOCKING]

func (*MultiplexTransport) Listen

func (mt *MultiplexTransport) Listen(addr types.NetAddress) error

Listen starts an active process of listening for incoming connections [NON-BLOCKING]

func (*MultiplexTransport) NetAddress

func (mt *MultiplexTransport) NetAddress() types.NetAddress

NetAddress returns the transport's listen address (for p2p connections)

func (*MultiplexTransport) Remove

func (mt *MultiplexTransport) Remove(p PeerConn)

Remove removes the peer resources from the transport

type PeerBehavior

type PeerBehavior interface {
	// ReactorChDescriptors returns the Reactor channel descriptors
	ReactorChDescriptors() []*conn.ChannelDescriptor

	// Reactors returns the node's active p2p Reactors (modules)
	Reactors() map[byte]Reactor

	// HandlePeerError propagates a peer connection error for further processing
	HandlePeerError(PeerConn, error)

	// IsPersistentPeer returns a flag indicating if the given peer is persistent
	IsPersistentPeer(types.ID) bool

	// IsPrivatePeer returns a flag indicating if the given peer is private
	IsPrivatePeer(types.ID) bool

PeerBehavior wraps the Reactor and MultiplexSwitch information a Transport would need when dialing or accepting new Peer connections. It is worth noting that the only reason why this information is required in the first place, is because Peers expose an API through which different TM modules can interact with them. In the future™, modules should not directly "Send" anything to Peers, but instead communicate through other mediums, such as the P2P module

type PeerConn

type PeerConn interface {


	ID() types.ID         // peer's cryptographic ID
	RemoteIP() net.IP     // remote IP of the connection
	RemoteAddr() net.Addr // remote address of the connection

	IsOutbound() bool   // did we dial the peer
	IsPersistent() bool // do we redial this peer when we disconnect
	IsPrivate() bool    // do we share the peer

	CloseConn() error // close original connection

	NodeInfo() types.NodeInfo // peer's info
	Status() ConnectionStatus
	SocketAddr() *types.NetAddress // actual address of the socket

	Send(byte, []byte) bool
	TrySend(byte, []byte) bool

	Set(string, any)
	Get(string) any

PeerConn is a wrapper for a connected peer

type PeerSet

type PeerSet interface {
	Add(peer PeerConn)
	Remove(key types.ID) bool
	Has(key types.ID) bool
	Get(key types.ID) PeerConn
	List() []PeerConn

	NumInbound() uint64  // returns the number of connected inbound nodes
	NumOutbound() uint64 // returns the number of connected outbound nodes

PeerSet has a (immutable) subset of the methods of PeerSet.

type Reactor

type Reactor interface {
	service.Service // Start, Stop

	// SetSwitch allows setting a switch.

	// GetChannels returns the list of MConnection.ChannelDescriptor. Make sure
	// that each ID is unique across all the reactors added to the switch.
	GetChannels() []*conn.ChannelDescriptor

	// InitPeer is called by the switch before the peer is started. Use it to
	// initialize data for the peer (e.g. peer state).
	// NOTE: The switch won't call AddPeer nor RemovePeer if it fails to start
	// the peer. Do not store any data associated with the peer in the reactor
	// itself unless you don't want to have a state, which is never cleaned up.
	InitPeer(peer PeerConn) PeerConn

	// AddPeer is called by the switch after the peer is added and successfully
	// started. Use it to start goroutines communicating with the peer.
	AddPeer(peer PeerConn)

	// RemovePeer is called by the switch when the peer is stopped (due to error
	// or other reason).
	RemovePeer(peer PeerConn, reason any)

	// Receive is called by the switch when msgBytes is received from the peer.
	// NOTE reactor can not keep msgBytes around after Receive completes without
	// copying.
	// CONTRACT: msgBytes are not nil.
	Receive(chID byte, peer PeerConn, msgBytes []byte)

Reactor is responsible for handling incoming messages on one or more Channel. MultiplexSwitch calls GetChannels when reactor is added to it. When a new peer joins our node, InitPeer and AddPeer are called. RemovePeer is called when the peer is stopped. Receive is called when a message is received on a channel associated with this reactor.

PeerConn#Send or PeerConn#TrySend should be used to send the message to a peer.

type Switch

type Switch interface {
	// Broadcast publishes data on the given channel, to all peers
	Broadcast(chID byte, data []byte)

	// Peers returns the latest peer set
	Peers() PeerSet

	// Subscribe subscribes to active switch events
	Subscribe(filterFn events.EventFilter) (<-chan events.Event, func())

	// StopPeerForError stops the peer with the given reason
	StopPeerForError(peer PeerConn, err error)

	// DialPeers marks the given peers as ready for async dialing
	DialPeers(peerAddrs ...*types.NetAddress)

Switch is the abstraction in the p2p module that handles and manages peer connections thorough a Transport

type SwitchOption

type SwitchOption func(*MultiplexSwitch)

SwitchOption is a callback used for configuring the p2p MultiplexSwitch

func WithMaxInboundPeers

func WithMaxInboundPeers(maxInbound uint64) SwitchOption

WithMaxInboundPeers sets the p2p switch's maximum inbound peer limit

func WithMaxOutboundPeers

func WithMaxOutboundPeers(maxOutbound uint64) SwitchOption

WithMaxOutboundPeers sets the p2p switch's maximum outbound peer limit

func WithPersistentPeers

func WithPersistentPeers(peerAddrs []*types.NetAddress) SwitchOption

WithPersistentPeers sets the p2p switch's persistent peer set

func WithPrivatePeers

func WithPrivatePeers(peerIDs []types.ID) SwitchOption

WithPrivatePeers sets the p2p switch's private peer set

func WithReactor

func WithReactor(name string, reactor Reactor) SwitchOption

WithReactor sets the p2p switch reactors

type Transport

type Transport interface {
	// NetAddress returns the Transport's dial address
	NetAddress() types.NetAddress

	// Accept returns a newly connected inbound peer
	Accept(context.Context, PeerBehavior) (PeerConn, error)

	// Dial dials a peer, and returns it
	Dial(context.Context, types.NetAddress, PeerBehavior) (PeerConn, error)

	// Remove drops any resources associated
	// with the PeerConn in the transport

Transport handles peer dialing and connection acceptance. Additionally, it is also responsible for any custom connection mechanisms (like handshaking). Peers returned by the transport are considered to be verified and sound


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