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At, we embrace the diversity of text editors used by our team members for writing code. We believe that individual preferences play a crucial role in creating a productive and enjoyable development experience. Whether you prefer Visual Studio Code, IntelliJ Goland, Emacs, Vim, or any other editor, you are encouraged to use the tool that suits your workflow best.

Check out the resources below to make your development experience in Gno more enjoyable:


  • Auto-generated Go Benchmark Graphs - We have an automated system that generates benchmark graphs from existing benchmarks in our codebase. These benchmarks are triggered on each Pull Request (PR) merge, providing valuable insights into performance improvements or regressions. You can access the aggregated benchmark graphs here (link pending).
  • Supernova - For stress-testing our Gno node, we utilize a tool called Supernova. This tool bombards the Gno node with transactions and helps us extract performance metrics such as Transactions Per Second (TPS) and block utilization. You can explore the Supernova tool and its code repository here.

Code Coverage

We employ CodeCov as our main source for measuring code coverage. CodeCov helps us understand the extent to which our code is exercised during testing.

You can find the coverage information for the main gno repo here.

Last update: August 7, 2023
Created: August 2, 2023