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What is is a Layer 1 blockchain platform that enables the execution of Smart Contracts using an interpreted version of the Go programming language called Gnolang (Gno for short).

Key Features and Technology

  1. Interpreted Gnolang: utilizes the Gnolang programming language, which is based on Go. It is executed through a specialized virtual machine called the GnoVM, purpose-built for the blockchain. While Gnolang shares similarities with Go in terms of syntax, it currently lacks go routine support. However, this feature is planned for future development, ensuring deterministic GnoVM executions.
  2. Consensus Protocol - Tendermint2: achieves consensus between blockchain nodes using the Tendermint2 consensus protocol. This approach ensures secure and reliable network operation.
  3. Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC): In the future, will be able to communicate and exchange data with other blockchain networks within the Cosmos ecosystem through the Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) protocol.

Why Go-based?

The decision to base's language on Go was influenced by the following factors:

  1. Standard and Secure Language: Go is a well-established and secure programming language, widely adopted in the software development community. By leveraging Go's features, benefits from a robust and proven foundation.
  2. User-Friendly: Go's simplicity and ease of understanding make it beginner-friendly. This accessibility lowers the entry barrier for developers to create Smart Contracts on the platform.

How does it compare with Ethereum?

In comparison to Ethereum, offers distinct advantages:

  1. Transparent and Auditable Smart Contracts: Smart Contracts are fully transparent and auditable by users because the actual source code is uploaded to the blockchain. In contrast, Ethereum uses Solidity, which requires precompilation into bytecode, leading to less transparency as bytecode is stored on the blockchain, not the human-readable source code.

  2. General-Purpose Language:'s Gnolang is a general-purpose language, similar to Go, extending its usability beyond the context of blockchain. In contrast, Solidity is designed specifically for Smart Contracts on the Ethereum platform.

Are there similar platforms?

If you're interested in exploring other platforms with comparable functionalities, you may consider:

Last update: August 7, 2023
Created: August 2, 2023