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Go Development Conventions


This guide documents development conventions for Go at AiB. Check general conventions for language-independent conventions that are also applicable to Go projects.

Supported Go Versions

  • Our libraries support the latest two stable major versions of Go. Both versions should be included in CI.
  • Our applications support only the latest stable Go version.

Dependency Management

If your project is a library or an application:

  • Use modules to manage dependencies.
  • Do not check in the vendor directory into git.

Code Generation

  • All generated code should be always processed by gofmt.
  • Generated code should have a // Code generated ... DO NOT EDIT. comment before the package clause, but not attached to it (see convention).


  • If you use alpine-based images, your binaries need to be built with CGO_ENABLED=0. If your project uses cgo, you will have to use alpine for the build of binaries for Docker.


Error handling

Use the standard errors package and wrap errors using %w when needed.


  • Use logging in your applications.
  • Use zerlog.

Other libraries

Missing info

TODO: fill with other generally used libraries.

Best Practices

Group code blocks with blank lines

To improve readability, we use single blank lines to separate logic blocks of code inside functions. A blank line is usually added after the end of any control structure, too.


For naming: follow Uber Go style guide


  • Put sources for your executable commands in cmd/<command-name>/, with the main function in cmd/<command-name>/main.go.
  • We use ff extensively for CLI options parsing.
  • Implement commands in a subpackage.


  • Use environment variables for configuration.

Missing info

TODO: Add other possible configurations

Last update: August 2, 2023
Created: July 24, 2023