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Slack is the primary medium of communication within All in Bits.

Below, you can find some of the official Slack channels, as well as an overview of existing team-specific channels.

General channels

  • #events - This channel is for all employees to discuss conferences, events, and speaking engagements opportunities
  • #finance - A place to ask questions or make requests related to purchasing, reimbursements, payroll or anything else finance related
  • #general - This channel is for team-wide communication and announcements. All team members are in this channel
  • #hr - Your one-stop HR and People-Ops shop! If you have any HR-related questions, career development questions, BambooHR or Org chart needs/updates, questions about benefits, policies, or anything else that might come up, we are at your service!
  • #it-support - Ask for IT for help or account access questions
  • #legal - This channel is for all employees to ask the Legal team quick questions
  • #mad-props - Want to give props to someone that did something great? Let everyone know here
  • #marketing - This channel is for all employees to ask the Marketing Team questions about comms, get updates on projects, make suggestions, etc
  • #news - This channel is for important company-wide announcements
  • #quotes - Got any great quotes? Please share with us
  • #random - A place for non-work-related flimflam, faffing, hodge-podge or jibber-jabber you’d prefer to keep out of more focused work-related channels
  • #random-music - To share music with others — and camaraderie
  • #random-petsofaib - Cute fur baby or animal? Share with the team
  • #security - If you have any quick security questions or issues you can ask on this channel
  • #rust - A Slack channel where Rust is not pushed down people's throats. Usually :)
  • #zk - Join in and discuss all things Zero Knowledge!

Team channels

Main Channels
  • #gno-core-tech - The most important channel engineering-wise. We share our discussions here
  • #game-of-realms - A channel for discussing the ongoing Game of Realms competition
  • #gno-by-example - Channel for coordinating changes and improvements for Gno By Example
  • #gno-docs - One-stop-shop for discussing the official documentation
  • #gno-ide - The Gno IDE team primary communication channel
  • #gno-infra - Chambers of the magic DevOps magician Albert, where we discuss infrastructure related topics regarding Gno
  • #gno-performances - Slack channel connected to a Gno performance testing tool called Supernova, which outputs daily TPS reports
  • #gnoland-grants-partners - Rendez-vous channel for the engineering team and marketing / business relations to discuss ongoing partner acquisition efforts
  • #gnoland-marketing - The main entry point for all things related to Gno marketing
  • #tokenomics - Channel for discussing ongoing tokenomics efforts (network fees, network currency...)
Partner Channels
  • #gnoland-onbloc - The main communication channel between the Gno core team and OnBloc
  • #gnoland-teritori - The main communication channel between the Gno core team and Teritori
  • #gno-governance-module - A temporary channel to discuss ongoing Governance module efforts; it is made up by some core contributors

Last update: August 2, 2023
Created: July 24, 2023