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We utilize Signal for day-to-day discussions across different teams in AiB.

The team utilizes Signal as a secure and private communication medium to foster effective discussions with both team members and community contributors.

Active Channels

Within our Signal platform, we have established various channels to facilitate focused and transparent discussions. Some of the key active channels include:

  • Grant & Partner Program: This dedicated area serves as a hub for discussing grant applications and exploring potential partnerships with external entities.
  • Gno-Tech-Staff: A discussion area for the core engineering team. We try to keep most discussions public, and visible to other contributors in the space, so this channel is used mostly for internal matters.
  • Gno-Core-Contribs: This shared "forum" area serves as a central space for essential discussions between the core team and developers or development teams working on It fosters collaboration and coordination among key stakeholders.

Please reach out to your team members if you want to be added to a relevant Signal channel. Gno-Tech-Staff and * Gno-Core-Contribs* are mandatory for core staff.

Last update: August 2, 2023
Created: July 24, 2023